De Piano is een compleet vernieuwende lichtschakelaar die verscheidene nationale en internationale design awards in de wacht sleept. Dit uniek model is ontworpen door de jonge talentvolle ontwerper David Dos Santos.
A switch often seems a trivial element in an interior design. For many people it is of little importance. With its range of switches and sockets, Lithoss is proving them quite wrong. It is rare indeed to find a design for a switch which can be as tightly integrated into any interior as the Lithoss range. Switches and sockets have become more than just something to turn the light on with or somewhere to draw power.
A Frameless switch was an important driver for the new design. David Dos Santos' design is clean, sober, simple. The sort of soft piano keys you want to touch. This distinctive form has the rare property of being in perfect equilibrium with its surroundings, whether the style is modern or classic.